Title in NIV: Peter's explanation of Pentecost.
Vs. 17- "In the last days.." the Spirit will be poured out on all people including men, women and servants. I believe we are in the last days. The Spirit was poured out on many at Pentecost. There are 15 different nationalities listed with all having a different language. I read there were closer to 70 different languages represented. (I know there are many opinions about the last days...and that is ok.) I believe the last days started when Jesus died and ascended to heaven.
Vs. 18 Sons, daughters, men and women will prophesy. Prophesy is simply an inspired revelation about future events. We prophesy when we say "Jesus is coming back." We prophesy when we say there will be a new heaven and a new earth. We prophesy when we say our sins will be washed away (they already are). We can prophesy with bold confidence because we know God cannot lie and we know who wins... Rev 17:14 "They will make war against the Lamb, but the Lamb will overcome them because he is Lord of lords and King of kings-- and with him will be his called, chosen and faithful followers." I mess up at times but I AM a chosen and faithful, follower. Are you confident in that?
Vs. 19 There will be wonders in heaven and I can't wait to see them, but I bet they pale in comparison to seeing Jesus coming in a cloud. There will be signs on the earth too "blood, fire and billows of smoke."
Verse 20 Talks about the sun being turned to darkness. (also in Rev 16:10, 9:2; Joel 2:2,10, Matthew 27:45 (when Jesus died on the cross). Also, talks about smoke (Rev9:2) and the moon turning to blood (also in Matthew 24).
All these events/signs sound horrible, but if we are in Christ, we will call these things what Joel did…’great and glorious'.
Vs. 21 says ‘everyone who calls on the name of the lord will be saved.
QUESTION: What is more important? Understanding what is meant by the 'last days', the smoke, the moon turning to blood, when the darkness will come and figuring out when Jesus will come? OR Sharing Jesus with those who need it and bringing a little heaven to those who live in hell on this earth. (Hell on earth I expect would be those who do not have a job and they have a family to support; the homeless; the addicted; some disabled; those who do not know the Savior; the hungry in other countries; the oppressed; on and on.)
How can you bring some heaven to people??
More on Peter’s explanation of Pentecost next week.
Answers to my question: What does the Holy Spirit manifest itself as? Fire, dove (Mt. 3:16), wind, sword of Spirit Eph 6:17. Can you think of any others?
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